Cinnamon Bun Week 2014
29 September 2014
Buns of Happiness Starting the new week kneading lots of deliciousness and dreaming of all things baked. Apparently, every year on October 4th, the Swedes celebrate Cinnamon Bun Day (there IS an actual day to celebrate the mighty bun), and from September 29th, the Nordic Bakery will be celebrating their beloved cinnamon buns with a
Missie Cindz
A Place of Memory
08 June 2014
They do say, the best things in life are people we love, the places we’ve been and the memories we’ve made along the way. When I was a kid my dad would take me to his favourite quaint coffee shop for a cuppa and fruit scone in Rotherham, South Yorkshire. The amusing time that we
Missie Cindz
Nice Buns Nordic Bakery
02 May 2014
FINALLY all that bun eating and thinking at Nordic Bakery has proven worthwhile!… “How you see us“ is a selection of photos taken by Nordic Bakery customers posted on social media. Here are a collection of their favourites from Twitter and Instagram for show, and are currently looking very impressive on a wall at their
Missie Cindz
Six Months Eating London
05 October 2013
Can’t believe it’s already been six months since relocating to London! How time flies when life’s pretty sweet! It was always important to me to remain hungry, to learn new things and embrace change. Since arriving to London in April 2013 and gallivanting around the big city with my smiley fork and settling down in
Missie Cindz
The Nordic Bakery (London)
31 August 2013
A Cinnamon Rollmance Are you obsessed with all things Scandinavian/Nordic and is your favourite font Helvetica? Then you need to visit this London coffee shop. I have been busy exploring as many new food spots as I can located the Chocolate design Studio (W1), and when the connoisseur of beautiful print, Graham of Evolution Print
Missie Cindz