Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Valentine Cupcake Love

06 February 2011

As you all know, I’m a real cakey (and all foods) lover, so when I heard from Whatsonupnorth‘s Simon that Sheffield’s Fancie Cupcakes were giving away a special box of ‘customised’ Valentine delights, I rushed to find out when, what and HOW!!? To enter was quite simple, I was asked to explain why, in less

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Daily Musings

Mission to Revolutionise Breakfast

26 January 2011

Today is the last day to enter this competition as part of the Farmhouse Breakfast Week, which I’ve been supporting and endlessly tweeting about for most of this month (well, brekkie is the most important meal for me :). I hope you’ve been following my Missie Breakfast Challenge and are enjoying the foody pics too.

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Daily Musings