Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Valentine Cupcake Love

06 February 2011

Bazza deserves a box of fancies because...

As you all know, I’m a real cakey (and all foods) lover, so when I heard from Whatsonupnorth‘s Simon that Sheffield’s Fancie Cupcakes were giving away a special box of ‘customised’ Valentine delights, I rushed to find out when, what and HOW!!?

To enter was quite simple, I was asked to explain why, in less than 100 words I thought Bazza deserves to win the Cupcakes. Well, at first I thought “Bazza better reply back to Fancie asap!” (and have even posted him the link, but obviously it seems he’s not got the hint, yet! :)

…but as I’m such a generous and ‘sharing person’. Bazza deserves a box of Red Valentine Fancie Cupcakes because we don’t get to see each other much (he’s not a SheffTowner) so he’s a very ‘sickly’ blue when he’s not with me (just look at him in the illustration above). He works incredibly hard and a box of red cupcakes would colour him up nicely to my Missie Purple self – so that next Monday (14th), we’ll be a perfectly matched up colour. Plus I know he will share the cupcakes, and that is love.

So please Fancie let him eat cake! :)

Missie Cindz

posted under: Daily Musings