Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

28 Days of Kindness (Day 4)

05 February 2014

On Saturday 1st February I began my 28 days of kindness, I went to the local fair and picked up 28 uncoloured balloons, each balloon represents a day in February, each kind act I put to action will see the balloon fill up with colour! Let’s spread a bit of kindness, shall we? 28 Days

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Inspiration

28 Days of Kindness (Day 3)

04 February 2014

On Saturday 1st February, I went to the local fair and picked up 28 uncoloured balloons, each balloon represents a day in February, each kind act I put to action will see the balloon fill up with colour! Fill up your day with some kindness and see what happens!….. There was no better way to

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Inspiration, London

28 Days of Kindness (Day 2)

03 February 2014

I went to the local fair and picked up 28 uncoloured balloons, each balloon represents a day in February, each kind act I put to action will see the balloon fill up with colour! 28 Days of Kindness | Day 2: I made my favourite Chinese pudding, deliciously rich homemade red bean dessert soup for

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Inspiration