The Beast and The Swine Leeds
22 April 2013
I spent a couple days in Leeds for Blog North 4, it was only a quick trip but I made sure to fit in a few delicious bites and plenty of Northern goodness from the city. Usually when I visit Leeds, it’s for shopping and catching up with friends, we stay in the City Centre but
Missie Cindz
BlogNorth4 Inspiration in Leeds
17 April 2013
Last weekend, I was invited to go along to and speak at Blog North’s Food Glorious Food. A day which saw me hanging out with an army of creative and delicious food-related superheroes served with cuppa loads of tea and plate loads of food! It was a veritable cornucopia of an event to tease out your
Missie Cindz
Blog North Food Glorious Food 2013
09 April 2013
I’ve been invited to speak alongside an army of creative and delicious food-related superheroes at this weekend’s Blog North’s Food Glorious Food event in one of the coolest creative hubs in Leeds, Duke Studios. Learn to start or grow a delicious community I will be sharing with you (guests) my creative food journey and how
Missie Cindz