Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

The Beast and The Swine Leeds

22 April 2013

I spent a couple days in Leeds for Blog North 4, it was only a quick trip but I made sure to fit in a few delicious bites and plenty of Northern goodness from the city. Usually when I visit Leeds, it’s for shopping and catching up with friends, we stay in the City Centre but

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Food and Drink

BlogNorth4 Inspiration in Leeds

17 April 2013

Last weekend, I was invited to go along to and speak at Blog North’s Food Glorious Food. A day which saw me hanging out with an army of creative and delicious food-related superheroes served with cuppa loads of tea and plate loads of food! It was a veritable cornucopia of an event to tease out your

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Food and Drink