Cindy O and X Notebooks
14 December 2015
Take note: Our NEW Cindy Noughts (O) and Crosses (X) notebooks are perfect for whenever inspiration strikes!
We all know that there are times when we need a bit of paper to write down that essential note – and every note carry a different side to our personalities. Sometimes we’re in the mood to have fun, be creative and playful (Notebook X: write to plan ahead your next travelling adventure), at other times we want to be business-like and serious (Notebook O: list your goals for future world domination!). One thing’s for sure – a notebook is always essential, and whatever your personality is, we have a notebook to suit.
O (Let’s Do This) Notebook: filled with lined OR squared inner pages
X (Plan Ahead) Notebook: filled with plain, dotted OR squared inner pages
INSPIRED BY the art of beautiful papers, effectiveness of writing things down and the motivation of making meaningful things. Each notebook measures 148mm (w) by 210mm (h) and is bound with a rugged two-staple saddle-stitch process. My paper goods aim to become your notebook companion, ready for whenever inspiration strikes!
Purchase your Notebook Companion Now
Comment below to let me know what you think or how you’re using my notebook (or #Cindy_OandX on Instagram and twitter).
Missie Cindz