Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

NEW website coming soon

02 June 2015

Missie Cindz New website coming soon Missie Cindz New website coming soonMissie Cindz New website coming soon

We’re getting soooooooooooo close in launching the NEW website. The new site has been in the works for a long time and we’re trying to wrap up every little detail in order to (hopefully) go live this month (crosses fingers and knocks on wood). I’m just doing things like, checking spelling and making sure it’s 200% AWESOME!! It”s been such a valuable learning experience and so much fun working with Keith, this guy is so talented!

It was time for a change, and the new website features an entirely new clean look to go with all the exciting, new things I have ‘cooking up’ this year. New fonts are used in the design as well as the splashes of colour for added personality and accessibility. Earlier in the year, I spent some time locked up in the studio designing my own WordPress theme from scratch, I got in touch with Keith, we did a lot of talking and doing, and ‘Hey presto!’ – a massive thank you to Keith Donegan for his technical skills that I would be lost without! A seriously talented (and fun guy) web developer, and I couldn’t be most excited about the new website!

Keith has built my new site and wrote all the code himself, customised and understood all my web design visuals without hesitation. It has been a pleasure working with him on the project – pulling the entire thing together in a small amount of time and is a professional master at what he does.

I’m looking forward to reading your comments and finding out what you all think about the update.

Missie Cindz

posted under: It's so Cindy