Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

28 Days of Kindness (Day 16)

17 February 2014

28 Days of Kindness – Day 16Making time for fun with family & Sheffield friends
Due to current work commitments in London, I will always try my best to make trips back up to Sheffield to see family and friends, and it’s always a worthwhile trip going ‘back up north!’….

So much can be lost when we speak to people on the phone or through texts, messaging and social media. When people communicate 80% is through visual communication via hand gestures, facial expressions and body language – that’s a huge amount of information that we are missing! Having a face to face with a friend or family member will not only make them feel better by seeing you, but you will also be able to communicate much better. Giving our friend (and loved ones) a hug or a caring touch will go a long way in helping them feel better too.

(Illustration by Cindy Cheung)

Missie Cindz

posted under: Inspiration