Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Plates of Happiness, Pud Inn

16 June 2012

Missie Cindz Pud Inn Club at the Rutland Arms

Missie Cindz Pud Inn Club at the Rutland Arms

Gosh, I’m finding it hard to believe that in September will mark our first year of Pud Inns!! (how time flies when life’s sweet…). You can download our full year of pudding menu here for your reference here: Missie’s Year of Puds

This weekend will see me busy #MissiesPudInn menu planning for our dining event next weekend. We will be having a Pud Inn quiz, and getting diners involved in scoring their favourite choccy puds. I’m really looking forward to meeting our diners next week at the Rutland – it feels like ages since our last Fruity Pud Inn doesn’t it?

Bringing people together in a local Sheffield pub for the love of the British Pud!

Bringing people together in a local Sheffield pub for the love of the British Pud!


WIN a FREE pub meal and drink at the Rutland Arms

To celebrate our fourth sweet pudding gathering, The Rutland Arms are generously giving a FREE tasty pub meal and drink (gift voucher) to our sweetest tweeter. To enter the contest to win, you must be on Twitter next Saturday (23rd) from 2pm (14.00 BST) to 5pm (17.00 BST) – simply mention in your Twitter update field the hashtag conversation: #MissiesPudInn

OR even easier, simply copy & paste this message: “I’m gutted I’ve missed #MissiesPudInn happening right now in #Sheffield but would like to win a Slutty Rutty Butty! Pls RT” into your Twitter update field, and click “update” (or more likely, hit the “retweet” button in a Twitter client like Tweet Deck). If you will be dining with us, we encourage you to take lots of pudding photos and please share with your friends (make them all jealous and want to come with you to our next pud Inn :). You can be creative and make us laugh with your tweets – the funnier the better (we enjoy a good laugh), but just make sure you include #MissiesPudInn in your tweets.

The winner will be picked at random and announced by The Rutland Arms LIVE on Twitter (@rutlandarms) Sunday night at 9pm (20.00 BST). If you’re not a Sheffield resident, we will send you your food voucher for you to redeem whenever you decide to visit us.

The Rutland Arms is located near the Showroom cinema, on the corner of Brown Street but at the heart of what Sheffield calls its Cultural Industries Quarter. With its shiny brown and yellow tiles giving it a faintly Art Deco look this cosy little pub with an excellent selection of real ales usually from the local breweries of Sheffield (including the Blue Bee Brewery) and Yorkshire, all these qualities made The Rutland Arms our ideal place to hold our Pud Inn Clubs.

Make sure you get RT-ing and hash tagging (we’d hate you to miss out on a chance to win free food!). For our lucky 25 diners, we’re looking forward to seeing you at the inn next Saturday (2pm – 5pm, The Rutland Arms, upstairs).

{ Design by Cindy Cheung, Pud Inn Photography by Callum Biggin, Sheffield }

Missie Cindz

posted under: Missie's Pud Inn, Sheffield