Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

28 Days of Kindness (Day 10)

11 February 2014

28 Days of Kindness – Day 10This is Day 10 of my #28DaysOfKindness Challenge for February 2014 where I get into the kindness spirit to do 28 acts of kindness over 28 days without asking for anything in return. Of course being kind is something we should act on daily but this project is purely to spread a valuable message and hopes to give you ideas too. So let’s spread a bit of kindness, shall we?….

Treat the boss to lunch…
Isn’t it nice when you get a treat from someone? Be it when a friend/partner/colleague pays for your bill, when your meal’s bill gets mysteriously paid for, or when someone buys you a treat out of the blue? Today I treated the boss to lunch. Boss/Managers tend to pay when they take employees to lunch, or carry out the ‘Lunch’s on me’ approach, and not the other way around. So today I bought the boss lunch – obviously he refused but I soon made sure he accepted it.

Because I often get treats (edible and non-edible :), I know how good it feels to receive a treat. I’ve been brought up with the notion that giving others treats is quite a wonderful feeling. Not just for the recipient, but for my/yourself as the person giving you the treat. I’ve adopted the practice of giving others treats since a kid. I remember my mum would always shout at me for being a big spender (at a young age) for treating my school mates to sweets at the tuck shop and buying presents for others. My mum is a proper giver (whether it’s giving her time, sharing expertise or helping others), and I’d say this has made me a more generous person. It has made me less definitive on boundaries between me and others and instead embrace the one ‘team’ ideology (not just emotionally or mentally, but now fiscally as well).

The Cindy365notes Series – page 349This is one of my favourite #cindy365notes: page 349. So, make it your task today to give someone a treat today!…. – Cindz x

(Photo and note written by Cindy Cheung taken from the #cindy365notes series)

Missie Cindz

posted under: Daily Musings, Inspiration