Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Missie Foody Trails

10 March 2011

Missie Cindz up at Sheffield's Bradfield Farmers Market
Missie Cindz up at Sheffield's Heeley City Farm

Again I’ve been busy this week and leaving my foody trail in and around Sheffield. I tend to be clumsy and instead of Hansel and Gretel leaving bits of food to find their way home (what a waste of good food!), I tend to leave a paper trail :)

Thanks @HeeleyFarm for the photo – “Helping out in the cafe today selling soup and postcards!” << I assure you the Missie works hard!! – she looks rather comfortable up there too.

…and thanks @sheffieldhoney for the photo – “helping to tidy up after the last #SheffieldFood Market at Bradfield” << No-one holds a brush better than her especially when it comes to brushing egg onto pastry!


Missie Cindz

posted under: Sheffield