Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

28 Days Crave Veggies (Day 13)

05 April 2014

Time for a Food Change For the next month I will be turning to a vegetarian diet to help myself become a healthier and ‘feel better’ me. I’ve been feeling sluggish lately and think this is just the boost my body needs, plus I was concerned that too many of my meals revolved around meat

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Missie Cindz

posted under: Food and Drink

Exploring Where I Live – Cups of Joy

28 January 2014

Wake Up And Smell The Coffee…. Cindy365Notes {page 186 of 365}: Grab someone who inspires you for a coffee date, chat & see new projects form! (#TeamDoIt) – a note I like to do on a daily basis. I am definitely one of those ‘a cup-a-day coffee’ drinker, I love the smell of a freshly

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Missie Cindz