Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.
30 December 2015
A new year is like a blank notebook. The biro pen is in your hand and it is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself.
Every year around this time, I have a habit of starting to think about my creative life challenges. Challenges that test me over a short period – sometimes days, weeks or months. Those that will, in a way, excites me and motivates me to take it to completion.
- To write a good and useful Essay in my notebook by sharing a page of helpful notes every day without fail within 366 days, by 31st January 2016. I will call this #Cindy365Notes. A continuation of a personal handwritten project I started in 2013, you can see all 365 notes here on my Pinterest board, where I wrote and shared a good note a day and put my words into action (within 365 days).
- Stay focussed (and keep procrastination at bay) – a lack of focus is certainly a big reason behind the fizzling out to some of my own dreams. If I can stay focussed, then I know I’m producing what I am capable of to the best of my ability.
- Master the art of Clarity thinking – by trying to stop thinking so much about how I want others to perceive me (then I should have much more clarity about what it is I want to create).
Pheeeeeew, what a list! Ask me how I get on this time next year.
Let’s write and share a good 2016 Essay.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Missie Cindz