28 Days Crave Veggies (Day 1)
25 March 2014
Time for a Food Change
For the next 28 days I will be turning to a vegetarian diet to help myself become a healthier and ‘feel better’ me – I’ve called this my 28 Days Crave Veggies Challenge. Before the challenge, I had been feeling sluggish and thought this challenge would be just the boost my body needed, I was also concerned that too many of my meals, whether it was eating out or at home, revolved around meat and I wanted to find out was meat really necessary? This challenge (I hope) will be a fantastic food experience of discovering new satisfying (new) meals packed with vegetables, whole grains and more. I’ve kicked the ‘habit’ of eating meat and giving the veggies a chance to take centre stage for a whole month – wish me luck!
HOMEMADE SUNSHINE BREAKFAST: Large bowl of vanilla porridge made with (dairy free) soya milk, cinnamon, 1 whole fairtrade banana and luscious swirls of pure and natural honey – Worth waking up for!!
Morning Snack
Weetabix on the go cereal bar. No matter how busy you are. Always make time for a (caffeine-free) cuppa! Today I tried Organic Tick Tock Rooibos Redbush tea – a smooth, slightly sweet, refreshing and flavourful tea.
Tossed salad lunch at Vital Ingredient, Rock the Kasbah: falafel, houmous, brocolli, vine ripe tomatoes, grated carrot, mixed peppers and mixed seeds tossed in a chilli and ginger dressing. Delicious!and a granola yoghurt pot for dessert (I’ve got to have dessert! :)
I made a massive special stir-fry overloaded with VEGGIES; beansprouts, mushrooms, onions and carrots served with a bowl of boiled rice. I’ve bought snacks. Lots and lots of snacks including fruits and vegetables, cereal bars, rice crackers, and rice cakes to keep in the office at work.
It’s not so much about the label ‘vegetarian’ as it is about challenging myself to be more conscious of what I eat and how it impacts me physically. I’ll keep you updated daily on this blog and twitter on what I’m eating and how I’m progressing during the challenge. Bring on Day 2 – thanks for reading :) – Cindz
Missie Cindz