Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Aiming to see life in 3D

04 January 2014

Good Things Always Come In Three’s

Happy New Year everyone! For the past couple of years, I’ve been anti-New Year’s resolutions. It felt like I was telling myself to do the same things year after year, when really they should be things I work on all the time — not just at the beginning of the year!

I see resolutions are more like ‘all year round goals’. The word ‘goal’ has a much more motivating tone to it, too, and taking note from #Cindy365Notes, page 222 – setting personal & work goals will help me to plan how to make more concise actions to achieving my goals. I think one of the best way to improve yourself is to tell someone else about your goals. So for today’s blog post, I’m sharing with you three things I aim to improve on and do in 2014. It kind of keeps me in check, you know? So this year I’ve decided that in addition to reminding myself of some things I need to do better, also give myself a little pat on the back for the things that went well last year to keep on doing…

Three things to improve on in 2014:

  • Stay focused on my craft – I need to remember what my talents and strengths are, and let them stand out.
  • A tidier workspace (lifestyle), my colleagues will know I don’t have the tidiest of desks in the studio (feeling embarrassed). I often end up with a messy desk but it’s because I have a lot of things on the go at one time. One reason my paperwork can pile up is procrastination. I leave all the paperwork until later.
  • To wear more colour, I’m looking forward to getting some ideas for incorporating more colour in my wardrobe this year!

Three things to do in 2014:

  • Call / visit my parents more often and to shower them with love more than ever before. I/We are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old. The older I get, the more I hear from friends about their loved ones disappearing….it’s sad and the thought of it makes my heart sink. To those of you who still have grandparents / elderly family, give them a quick call (a small action that means a lot!)
  • To find happiness in being a ‘London Home Tourist’, while I still have a hard time not being busy, I hope to meet & connect with London locals in my (new) home city. Last year I didn’t really get the chance to do all the touristy London things or find secret hang out spots worth sharing. I’ve learned to appreciate the simple things a little more. I don’t need to have a crazy schedule of activities lined up —I don’t have to do it all. The best memories often come from the everyday right on my door step.
  • ’52 x 3′ Project – to continue my fascination with typography, words and quotes, I’ll be starting a new personal weekly project where I bring a message or quote to life in just three words using everyday materials as my medium, mixed media in any shape or form I want called. You can follow the project on twitter and instagram using the hashtag: #Cindy52x3 – if I’m honest I’m not sure how this will turn out yet but if I don’t give it a try I won’t know! Things tend to have a way of working out :)
#Cindy365Notes {page 239 of 365} It's good to dream. Dream BIG!...

#Cindy365Notes {page 239 of 365} It's good to dream. Dream BIG!...

On a final note, one thing my dad taught me from a very early age was to dream big. Sometimes we can feel silly for wanting something that seems impossible. But it’s better to try and get it than to sit there thinking it’s impossible. I’ve got lots of fun projects, events, and ideas I want to make happen this year. So, let’s do this!

Don’t wait for someone to push you. Make a plan today to soar high, and prove them wrong! Play a part in #Teamdoit

(Photo and note written by Cindy Cheung taken from the #cindy365notes series)


On New Year’s Day I went to see The Secret Life of Walter Mitty with Bazza, The film was about stretching the imagination and filled me with so much positivity. If you haven’t seen it yet, you should.

Here’s a quote we found after watching the film and felt would be good to share: “To see things thousands of miles away, things hidden behind walls and within rooms, things dangerous to come to, to draw closer, to see and be amazed and to feel…..”Life Magazine

Missie Cindz

posted under: Daily Musings, Inspiration