Yummy Year Round Up 2012
03 January 2013
Here’s a few of my 2012 highlights in photographs! – however else would it be? (better late than never :)
My personal food journey in Sheffield started in 2011 leading me to ‘Missie Cindz – the Food Enthusiast’ – my alter ego. Where finding out and learning about food produced from Sheffield, and going out and meeting the food makers has given me the opportunity to meet a new group of people, who all play a part in building a real sense of community. I’ve come to call this my ‘Sheffield Food & Design Adventure’.
Spending most of the year ‘fooding around’ – building a collection of food-related ramblings, curating food events such as pudding clubs (Missie’s Pud Inn) and products involving notebooks, leading to our awesome world-wide the Travelling Notebooks Project (thank you Emma, @oh_gosh) and chutneys, all mixed with taking photographs of what I’ve eaten and blogging about it to the world – demonstrates my passion for creating awesome happenings by bringing people from various food and creative communities together. Food is much more than just fuel for our body, it’s emotional, familial, ethnic, social, and cultural.
I have been able to build a visual directory of talented food producers on this lifestyle blog: missiecindz.com. I am proud to know them and learn more about what they do. I have also meet a bunch of new awesome foodie friends – they know who they are. Thanks for all your support last year and showing the stationery love. Very excited about 2013!
Here’s to another delicious year of new food discoveries and experiences!….Why not start writing your own food adventures and share them with me? I’d love to read them – there’s a story worth reading in all of us – Missie Cindz/Cindy x
{ photos by Cindy Cheung }
Missie Cindz