Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Pud Inn no.5 Party-themed Menu

22 September 2012

Missie's Party-themed Pud Inn menu, Saturday 22nd September

Missie's Party-themed Pud Inn menu, Saturday 22nd September


Sweet-toothed Sheffielders are in for another round of treats TODAY at the Rutland Arms

I can finally reveal the five puddings we’ll be serving to the lucky diners at #MissiesPudInn (2pm – 4.30pm) TODAY. Our five talented and generous chefs and PudInn participants have cooked up a lovely party-themed pudding menu – a big thank you to Marco Zerboni, Fiona from Very Delicious Cheesecakes, Yee Kwan Ice Cream and the Rutland Arms Chef Mike.

Look out for our pudding pictures and live updates later in the afternoon – we also encourage diners to do lots of LIVE tweets and to share tasty pudding photos online – make all your friends super jealous and want you to take them to our next Inning! :)

The talented Rutland Arm’s Chef Mike (Pudding 5), Fiona from Very Delicious Cheesecakes (pudding 3) and enthusiastic baker, myself (pudding 4) will all be sitting in for puddings. So diners, if you spot us whilst scoffing your delcious homemade course be sure to say a big thank you and let us know what you think of their/our course. Yee Kwan and Marco won’t be able to join us due to work commitments but that doesn’t mean they’re not super gutted and won’t be catching up on live updates via Twitter or Facebook – be sure to let them all know what you think.

Have you also read our Twitter Pud Inn Competition with the Rutland Arms for today? For details, see this blog post: Not Long til PudInn Club for your chance to WIN a FREE lunch and drink at their pub for your sweet tweetings!

Can’t wait…..sweat pants ready!

Missie Cindz

posted under: Missie's Pud Inn