Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

New Design Website Launching Soon

17 April 2012

CCH Design / Cindy Cheung – Graphic Designer

CCH Design / Cindy Cheung – Graphic Designer


CCH Design – 24/7. Pantone picking.

I will be launching my new design portfolio website & blog under the name CCH Design, the name derives from the first initials of my name, Cindy Cheung. CCH Design website will launch on Thursday 19th April 2012 over at featuring an entirely new look and feel, with a new logo and branding for my design and illustration services. I have been very hard at work designing my own WordPress Theme from scratch for several months now – a massive thank you to Martin Frost, a very talented freelance web developer from Sheffield (follow Martin – @fronbow and he’ll show you some web tricks! :)

Martin has built my new portfolio site and wrote all the code, customised and understood all my web visuals and tweaks. You are absolutely amazing. You have pulled this entire thing together in a small amount of time and are a master at what you do. I am so grateful, it’s been a real pleasure to work with you. Thank you!

The amazing minds and talents and skills that assisted me on this endeavor certainly need to be acknowledged for all their patience, hard work and fierce creativity – you’re all simply, NOM-ful people to be working with.

CCH Design website will be LIVE on Thursday 19th April 2012.

I’m looking forward to reading your comments and finding out what you all think.

– Cindy

Missie Cindz