What type of Honey do YOU use?
30 January 2011
When I stumbled across Sheffield Honey to pick up a jar of their delights for my Thursday’s Brekkie Challenge: Honey Buttered Toast. I was very puzzled as to which type of Honey to have; Blossom, Heather or Soft Set? (I wasn’t sure what the three types really were)…..and asked for HELP!
For those who are curious too. Take a read and become ‘abit of a’ Honey Connoisseur.
Soft Set honey tends to be poly-floral being sourced from many types of flowers, allowed to crystalise (fine) and has a sweet honey flavour.
Heather honey is a mono-floral honey crop sourced from the heather moors in August, its taste is smooth and rich, and is highly aromatic!
Blossom honey is also poly-floral but is an early seasons honey, its runny and mild and great on cereal, toast and perfect for cooking.
Thanks for the help @SheffieldHoney
If anyone fancies trying out my Missie Cindz: Sheffield Honey Buttered Toast recipe, here’s the full recipe to download for your keeps – let me know what you think!
Oh by the way, Farmers’ markets are a great place to buy honey too, because you will typically be able to sample the different varieties. You can see what kinds you like and also taste the range of flavors, which can be quite distinctive. Am I right Honey!? ;)
Missie Cindz