Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Missie Cindz Digital Makeover

10 February 2015

Missie Cindz Digital Makeover in progressIt’s been four years when I first began my ‘Missie Cindz’ culinary adventures in Sheffield after a first visit to Nether Edge Farmers’ Market. I quickly began meeting talented makers and developed a taste for ‘real’ local food. I started collaborating with locals, started Pud Clubs & wrote for a local Sheffield magazine. I’ve met some wonderful people from my passions for food (and puddings) and now who I am glad to call friends. Then in April 2013, my food & graphic design passions (and BC) took me to London…..

At the start of 2015, one of my new year goals was to give myself a Digital Makeover: aiming to update my blog (I can’t believe I haven’t updated the look for over 4 years!), to develop a fresher and more grown up digital style across all platforms; and to work on creative projects and collaborations I can be proud of to share.

We all shouldn’t be afraid of change (there’s always room for development). New exciting design, food and personal goals are certainly in progress….watch this page! – Missie Cindz

{Sneaky peek of my digital makeover – illustration and capture by Cindy Cheung}

Missie Cindz

posted under: It's so Cindy