Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

28 Days of Kindness (Day 23)

24 February 2014

28 Days of Kindness – Day 2328 Days of Kindness – Day 23Buy a Hot Cup of Kindness to a Stranger
On day 23 I offered to buy a cup of tea for a stranger and/or friend at one of my favourite Sheffield Cafes, Endcliffe Park Cafe – all the person had to do was to say “Missie Cindz’s sent me to enjoy a free cuppa Joy!” to the server. It was simple and no catch involved. I messaged Ashley, the proprietor of the Cafe in the morning and explained to him how I would like to purchase a number cups of kindness (hot drinks) as part of my 28 Days of Kindness Challenge, and he didn’t hesitate to get involved – thanks Ash!

To me, a good cuppa with cake and a chat can be really beneficial: just sharing your cares and hopes with someone can be great for your own well-being and theirs, creating new and strengthening friendship, and can even diffuse the trickiest situation. Tea certainly makes me happy!

Ashley told me that evening 10 people had came into the Cafe for cups of hot drinks that day – I don’t know who they were, I wasn’t interested in that, but it felt good knowing that 10 people enjoyed a FREE cuppa good stuff on us!

(Illustration and photo by Cindy Cheung)

Missie Cindz

posted under: Inspiration