Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Missie’s Sheffield Diet

16 June 2011

Missie Cindz Sheffield Food Week Challenge 2011

Missie Cindz Sheffield Food Week Challenge 2011


Seven days x three meals per day, plus lots of snacks and treats. That’s twenty one different ‘Sheffield’ meals…Let’s shout ‘Missie’s Sheffield Food Week Challenge’

I’m all geared up for the food challenge. Apologies for the lack of food rambles and blog posts this week as I’ve been really busy finalising my food menu plan for the challenge, and I must say, it’s looking very delicously Sheffield (and wholesome)! The menu will be up LIVE on my website this week so make sure you keep your forks on stand-by and look out for the good read. But of course your Missie will keep you well informed too when it’s available for you to gawp at….but I must point out it would be worthwhile ‘liking’ my Facebook page too as I really don’t want you to miss out on any of the lovely Sheffield food ‘special offers’ I’ve managed to arrange for my dedicated Sheffield Food fans. Some generous food producers and well known Sheffield restaurants are offering special discounts for participants in ‘Missie’s Sheffield Food Week Challenge’ – a full list of participants will be posted on Facebook – I’m not asking you to Eat Sheffield for the whole week with me but to try and experiement in some of these delicious local delights would be a great contribution :)

Missie Cindz

posted under: Food and Drink, Sheffield