Re-imagining the World One Mouthful at a Time . . . . .

Easy Peasy Roast Potatoes

07 December 2010

On the seventh bright door of the #Missieadventcalendar – I got Mr Funky Spudder! -  shall we have him mashed/roast/boiled or fried? :)

The humble potato is so looked down upon. Yet it’s such an essential staple to the Missie diet (that’s after rice of course :) – here’s an easy peasy Roast Potatoes recipe – I make these for special occasions and when I’m rustling up a roast banquet for family and friends. With Christmas just under 3 weeks – download this PDF now for safe-keeps and that splendid roast turkey of yours will be bedded on the best spuds in its life! Enjoy. Let me know how the cooking experience goes too.

Missie Cindz

posted under: Recipes